Saturday, February 24, 2007
To market to market buy a fat pig.
Well no, not today.
I bought: lettuce, carrotts, broccoli,mushroom, tomatoes, sugarloaf cabbage, crisp Royal Gala apples,
french bagette, and some potted herbs.
Tasted rhubarb and apple yoghurt - it was insiped.

Labels: market
Early One Morning
...just as the sun was rising...
The Observer looked out the door to see this!
at 5:30am
Labels: hot air ballon
Friday, February 23, 2007
Book Reviews Coming Soon
* 'I don't want to join a Bookclub' by Virginia Ironside
*'The Measure of a Man' by Sydney Poitier
*'The Measure of a Man' by Sydney Poitier
Labels: Book reviews
Tout Sweet!
and folded her arms and asked
"what are we having next?'
Went to Freestyle Tout today after reading about it on Travellingmum Blog
It was everything we had been led to believe.
We had a choc fudge sundae, with macadamia nuts, and marshmellows.
Between the 3 of us, we managed but it sure was a migraine threat!
The choc sail was indeed tall.
It was everything we had been led to believe.
We had a choc fudge sundae, with macadamia nuts, and marshmellows.
Between the 3 of us, we managed but it sure was a migraine threat!
The choc sail was indeed tall.
Labels: Freestyle Tout
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

This is Ashdown Forrest home of Winnie the Pooh!
he would be very cold iof he went out to visit freinds or get more honey
(photo feb 21st from BBC}
Labels: Ashdown Forrest Winter Pooh
Monday, February 19, 2007
Delighted to annouce that as HRH's PA, we have had a successful Blog Lesson.
View Saltbush Castle (in my Index) to see progress.
Pity she doesn't read her emails...
*sigh* the life of a PA one is a tough about you-know-who-wearing Prada...
Hey hey HRH it was joke, No! I will not go to the tower.
View Saltbush Castle (in my Index) to see progress.
Pity she doesn't read her emails...
*sigh* the life of a PA one is a tough about you-know-who-wearing Prada...
Hey hey HRH it was joke, No! I will not go to the tower.
Labels: HRH
Friday, February 16, 2007
Left Handed Mobile Phones: #1
Though I am in fact right handed, I hold, use and answer my mobile phone with my left hand.
(this comes from my days as a telephone operator when I wore my headset on my left ear)
I have a new upgrade (for now I will refrain from naming the companies involved) and when the phone rings or I want to see the time the TEXT shows up horizontally rather than vertically...
well, it appears horizontal when you turn the phone sideways which you have to do to read the info showing.
Given that I hold the phone in my left hand, as I said, the text is upside down to me.
I carefully considered ringing the call centre of the company and then decided I would be better going into the relevant store where they have the phones. For an exchange.
This I did. The young lady that served me had a great deal of trouble understanding what I was saying. In the end I managed to get her to call my phone so I could show her.
Whilst she saw then what I meant, she attempted to dismiss me with 'you are the first person with this complaint'...whoa she has the whole national/international database for the company in her head for INSTANT call up!
I told her I didn't mind being The First. Then she said I'd have to call the Call Centre (how did I know she was going to say that?) as in the store they have no authority to make phone changes unless the phone is faulty.
To me, it's faulty!
(this comes from my days as a telephone operator when I wore my headset on my left ear)
I have a new upgrade (for now I will refrain from naming the companies involved) and when the phone rings or I want to see the time the TEXT shows up horizontally rather than vertically...
well, it appears horizontal when you turn the phone sideways which you have to do to read the info showing.
Given that I hold the phone in my left hand, as I said, the text is upside down to me.
I carefully considered ringing the call centre of the company and then decided I would be better going into the relevant store where they have the phones. For an exchange.
This I did. The young lady that served me had a great deal of trouble understanding what I was saying. In the end I managed to get her to call my phone so I could show her.
Whilst she saw then what I meant, she attempted to dismiss me with 'you are the first person with this complaint'...whoa she has the whole national/international database for the company in her head for INSTANT call up!
I told her I didn't mind being The First. Then she said I'd have to call the Call Centre (how did I know she was going to say that?) as in the store they have no authority to make phone changes unless the phone is faulty.
To me, it's faulty!
Today I was in the city and I noticed some really awful T shirts
(perhaps making sad statements about the wearers -
I spent some time wondering why people buy them,
and indeed why people make them?)
the first was on a pre 20 girl it read
Dear Santa
I have been very very bad
The second was a 20 something male,and the shirt had written on it
I can only be pleasant to one person per day...
...I didn'get the rest as he walked on past me.
(perhaps making sad statements about the wearers -
I spent some time wondering why people buy them,
and indeed why people make them?)
the first was on a pre 20 girl it read
Dear Santa
I have been very very bad
The second was a 20 something male,and the shirt had written on it
I can only be pleasant to one person per day...
...I didn'get the rest as he walked on past me.
Labels: t shirt slogans
Early Morning Panic on CHAT a message 'oi!' appears
I have a mistake on my blog it continues...
What? I ask?
The Oscar date is wrong comes the reply
I scurry....I google
I learn that the Oscar site is an .org not
I search...
ahhhh - no mistake.
I post:
Wed, 19 Apr 2006
The Oscars will be handed out in Hollywood on February 25 next year(2007), returning to their regular slot after being pushed back to a March date this year, organisers announced on Tuesday.
I (mildly) growl!!
I have a mistake on my blog it continues...
What? I ask?
The Oscar date is wrong comes the reply
I scurry....I google
I learn that the Oscar site is an .org not
I search...
ahhhh - no mistake.
I post:
Wed, 19 Apr 2006
The Oscars will be handed out in Hollywood on February 25 next year(2007), returning to their regular slot after being pushed back to a March date this year, organisers announced on Tuesday.
I (mildly) growl!!
Labels: oscars
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Are there boy LadyBugs?
Monday, February 12, 2007
Magnets, migraines and DVDs

*The Building is The RBH Emergency
*The DVD
Some one sweet and special, gave me some plain white magnet photos frames for on the fridge... (ok hands up who has nothing on their fridge - I mean zilch, nothing zero!!) so last night after the longest search I found a calender link that allowed me to do what I wanted to do!
I printed the filled in version and then trimmed of the excess and put the dinner menu for the month on the fridge with the magnet around it.
(I am so sick of thinking about this task every day)
It looked a bit dull. Aha! I recalled some goovy food stickers a certain santa sent me, so I added a few and it looks great...well it did at 2am - I haven't checked yet.
THEN, since I was wide awake I watched the BBC dramatisation on DVD of Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Wives and Daughters'....
I printed the filled in version and then trimmed of the excess and put the dinner menu for the month on the fridge with the magnet around it.
(I am so sick of thinking about this task every day)
It looked a bit dull. Aha! I recalled some goovy food stickers a certain santa sent me, so I added a few and it looks great...well it did at 2am - I haven't checked yet.
THEN, since I was wide awake I watched the BBC dramatisation on DVD of Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Wives and Daughters'....
so I was still awake at 5am (after one dvd, there is another to go) as the dawn broke and the rain fell.
I stood at my outside door gazing at the rain and the little puddles, and then thought rather then play in it I ought to try and sleep.
Now the reason I was awake was that during (my) sunday afternoon I accidently took a 4 hour nap...and that was because I was tired as I'd spent 7 hours Saturday afternoon/evening in Emergency at the local hospital
I stood at my outside door gazing at the rain and the little puddles, and then thought rather then play in it I ought to try and sleep.
Now the reason I was awake was that during (my) sunday afternoon I accidently took a 4 hour nap...and that was because I was tired as I'd spent 7 hours Saturday afternoon/evening in Emergency at the local hospital
(on a Saturday evening it was just like the tv show, we even had a security incident when a woman went screamingcrazy)
I had what I thought was a migraine and it was; however it was also dehydration.
Which is soooo funny as I am the water police to some of my friends, forever saying drink more water; how long since you had a glass of water, where is your water bottle etc. But who knew?
I thought it was a migraine being resistant to the medication, or a reaction to the medication, and it was because I was dehydrated.
The sent me to a mini ward which was way quieter and ran liquid into me pretty fast...I was startled by a scream from behind the wall behind my head and the nurse smiled weaklily and said its the psych ward it happens all the time...hmm...ok
I had become dehydrtaed on Thursday when I slept off the migraine medication from Wednesday night. I woke late in the day to find several small plates with crumbs on the window sill, seems I ate a lot of toast but not much else...and no fluids.
I slept from 5 to 8am and will potter around before another short nap at about 11 with multi alarms set for midday. Thus by the end of the day I will be back on track. Plus I have a calendar and only 1 DVD left to watch!
I had what I thought was a migraine and it was; however it was also dehydration.
Which is soooo funny as I am the water police to some of my friends, forever saying drink more water; how long since you had a glass of water, where is your water bottle etc. But who knew?
I thought it was a migraine being resistant to the medication, or a reaction to the medication, and it was because I was dehydrated.
The sent me to a mini ward which was way quieter and ran liquid into me pretty fast...I was startled by a scream from behind the wall behind my head and the nurse smiled weaklily and said its the psych ward it happens all the time...hmm...ok
I had become dehydrtaed on Thursday when I slept off the migraine medication from Wednesday night. I woke late in the day to find several small plates with crumbs on the window sill, seems I ate a lot of toast but not much else...and no fluids.
I slept from 5 to 8am and will potter around before another short nap at about 11 with multi alarms set for midday. Thus by the end of the day I will be back on track. Plus I have a calendar and only 1 DVD left to watch!
Labels: Migraines Magnets DVDs

“When the oak is felled the whole forest echoes with its fall,
but a hundred acorns are sown in silence by an unnoticed breeze"
Thomas Carlyle
Labels: acorns mighty oak Thomas Carlyle
Wise Words
Remember the Acorn
An acorn has no idea about how to become an oak. It has never been to school or told by the other seeds how a seedling develops into an oak tree. That acorn could never so much as describe an oak, even if it should somehow talk. But deep inside the acorn's heart is something powerful — something that presses forward and ever upward. When placed in the proper surroundings, the acorn will literally burst open, unable to contain all the potential that lives deep in its heart. As the acorn continues to follow the design already inside, it continues to grow and become stronger. Soon it's a sapling instead of a mere seed. Then it grows taller, but is still just a slender tree. But one day, it finally becomes what was deep inside of it all along: a stout and mighty oak. It's true that some acorns get a later start than others. Some will wait for many seasons before they finally begin to grow. But even a late start cannot hinder the perfect design and purpose placed inside every acorn by God Himself.
— Jim Sutton
Visit Jim's Graphix HERE
An acorn has no idea about how to become an oak. It has never been to school or told by the other seeds how a seedling develops into an oak tree. That acorn could never so much as describe an oak, even if it should somehow talk. But deep inside the acorn's heart is something powerful — something that presses forward and ever upward. When placed in the proper surroundings, the acorn will literally burst open, unable to contain all the potential that lives deep in its heart. As the acorn continues to follow the design already inside, it continues to grow and become stronger. Soon it's a sapling instead of a mere seed. Then it grows taller, but is still just a slender tree. But one day, it finally becomes what was deep inside of it all along: a stout and mighty oak. It's true that some acorns get a later start than others. Some will wait for many seasons before they finally begin to grow. But even a late start cannot hinder the perfect design and purpose placed inside every acorn by God Himself.
— Jim Sutton
Visit Jim's Graphix HERE
Labels: Acorn
Friday, February 09, 2007
Food review

Pork and Beef, cooked long and slow on a webber is so delicious; especially when accompanied by traditonal roast vegetables, and wonderful company.
Labels: BBQ Webber
Movie Review
I had the vast pleasure of seeing this delighful movie on an IMAX screen.
'The life of Beatrix Potter is the most enchantingtale of all'
so goes the movie blurb and I totally agree.
Charming, delightful, elegant, inspiring.
5 Stars from The Observer.
See the talented Renee Zellweger light up the screen
and reveal to us the magic and passon of ....

Labels: Miss Potter Movie review
She was here.
The Observer is delighted to have noted that HRH (from Saltbush Castle) has visited and even left comment.
Responses have been left to them....
I doff my hat and say adieu...
Responses have been left to them....
I doff my hat and say adieu...
Labels: HRH