Tuesday, October 31, 2006

not perfect but not bad....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Credit Where Credit is Due


This is the site where these cute little people come from. Also the Hello sign in the Index. I think the work is amazing...take a look for more...

Halloween Dress ups

thanks to www.PixleBee.com for the creations

I WON - again...

This time Thor's Owner is coming with me.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

And more to come.

Look what I found this morning...

Bathroom Guest.

Just a daddy long legs ....

More Petunnias

I seem to be able to grow these easily.

Blooming By My Door

Today - Zucchini Flowers

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

2 Months to go...

Tuesday Events

Did the wardrobe purge today - it wasn't as bad as I thought.

The Happy Hawaiian is going to join me in NaNoWriMo...

I figured out how to put the clocks on here.

I thought more about how to save water and what happens next....

And may I say, to a large extent I have beaten the SPAM problem in my email inbox.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Paper Purge

Today I had a massive paper purge.
Who said we are living in a paperless society?
I have recycledy everything that has a blank other side by folding it into 4 and ripping apart for notes.

I have an ample supply.

Tomorrow the wardrobes..especially if it's as cold as today.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Lets try that again....

In common useage, the term RAM is synonymous with main memory, the memory available to programs. For example, a computer with 8 RAM has approximately 8 million bytes of memory that programs can use. So what then does 1 gig or even 2 gig of RAM have?

extra ram

....uh uh! wrong ram.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

look what I found today....

The under achiever has produced this surprise.

Lot of Lemons

There are two of these trees and this one has suddenly sprung to life....

How does your garden grow?

Silverbeet 3 weeks in

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I spoke to my South Korean son the other day and again today...well, via chat.
Mr & MRS Kim are great.

The Cool Adventurer in Hawaii bought a microphone so we got to talk - also via a chat program.

My Mother rang - her PC is fixed. But her hands are not.

The parents of #3 of TNG rang to prove she could say the title I am called by.
It was wonderful to hear.

Beach DD invited me to join an International Literature discussion group -
I sent out my first email introducing myself.

The Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits CD I ordered arrived. I loved the music anyway, but now it reminds me of my dear friend Bob, who left us some 10 months ago.
Bob, it seems like forever and yesterday since you were here.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Serendipity Squares

The mother of Le Chat Noir made these for me.

Pre performance

Door 24


The Lyric Theatre after the perfomance. We sat middle level (Balcony 2) on the extreme left - just out of the shot- about where a box might be in an older venue.

More Props

The stairs were used for both
indoor and outdoor scenes.

These Pillars were most effectivly to imply the grandur
of Ravenswood Castle in Scotland in the late 17th Century.

Backstage Tour

After the perfomance
I was able to attend a back stage tour....

Here are the stairs and the balcony. It all remains on stage just pushed back or forward depending on the scene. Lighting helps creates the different moods as well as 'mist'.

I didn't see a phantom...

but I did see an Opera!

'Lucia Di Lammermoor'.

Wonderful. I loved it. Loved the Experience.

#1 Waiting for the curtain to go up...
a tap on my shoulder - no photogrpahy please.

Saturday Night at the Opera

photos and report coming soon.

I remain in a state of over tiredness...and can't sleep. I got up to get something to help and turned the monitor on to see, and here I am.

The Whizz Kid, DIL and 3rd member of The Next Generation came over to share a meal.

Yummy food in the form of baked risoto.... jelly from the new molds, lots of talk and relaxation.

A tour of the garden was a pre dinner requirement.

Picked two big very
red strawberries this evening.

#3 TNG watered the marigolds around the pagoda for me. Blew me kisses as she left.

Sat on the swing in the cool evening air with the Yoga Sensai and discussed our days.

My broadband was down for 2 hours tonight.

Friday Night

I was officier in charge of 2 of The New Generation. One slept and I had time with the other, then both together. Then the other slept.

A good tme was had by all.

The Chef and SIL were home by about 2am and I made it to my own bed by 3am.

Made it to the Farmer's Market by about 8:30am. It was hot and crowded.

Friday, October 13, 2006

In an English country garden

actually in a aussie city garden but still. We had morning tea together.
The Yoga Sensai, the Bus Driver, the Teenager and I.

Actually, not tea but cool fresh Lime cordial with fresh from the garden mint leaves
and choc chip cookies. Fresh baked by moi.

We saw two blue butterflies, who were welcome.
The teenager shooed the one white away. Not Welcome.

We have all come inside, the heat is too intense and the sunshine too bright.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I won!

I won tickets to see the Opera 'Lucia Di Lammermor'!

Deceived by her ruthless brother into believing that her true love Edgardo has betrayed her, Lucia is forced into an arranged marriage to save the family fortunes. The wedding is interrupted by Edgardo's unexpected return; his hateful curses for her faithlessness precipitate Lucia's descent into despair, murder and madness.

From the tragic tale of romantic obsession in Sir Walter Scott's novel, The Bride of Lammermoor, Donizetti created a compelling portrait of mental collapse, of which Lucia's famous 'Mad Scene' is the shocking culmination.

This evocative, traditional production beautifully embraces the intensely dramatic and imaginative score, conducted here by the internationally revered master of bel canto opera, Richard Bonynge.

Sung in Italian with projected English translations

Joining Richard Bonynge at the Lyric Theatre is soprano Elvira Fatykhova, in the title role of Lucia. Elvira hails from Russia and is currently a principal singer with the Ankara State Opera and Ballet Company in Turkey.
Australian-born tenor Julian Gavin will play her true love Edgardo. Julian is fondly remembered in Brisbane for his outstanding performance in the title role of Andrea Chenier. They both lead an exceptional cast, with the Opera Queensland Chorus and The Queensland Orchestra.

Warrior Princess

Bindi Irwin keeps a promise her dad made. She and her mum Terri have the fun they promised to have....Steve would be rapt. Check it all out HERE

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My International students -

A new friend wondered how I welcome the continuous stream of students into my home.

I guess now that I am approaching the #60th student in 13 years (I have to double check my records -but it's pretty close to that) it has become second nature to me now...

I get the room ready as if a special guest is coming. It is all clean and comfortable, with tissues on the desk and a key. A bottle of water and local tourist information.

I greet them as if they are infact one of my children. The I tell them what I expect of them...make your bed, do your washing. Get yourself up and off to class etc -

The newest student asked about my rules? I said those are my rules...I give you freedom to be a mature sensible person and we go along fine. Mess around, stay out too late or fail class and you will get rules.

She was astounded.

I like to be like an Olympic Diving Judge.
I give them 100%, and only deduct when and if necessary.
Seems to work.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Validation - sadly.

Back on October 3rd I posted...

'I guess it's time to stop saying 'who would ever have thought....'

that's just 7 days ago and look what's happened in the world since then.

I am not worried by these events, this is just an observation.

A new neighbour.

In an apartment, a mere 2 meters or so from my window.

A flute player.

He/She opens the old fashioned windows (like doors with small square panes of glass)

I enjoy the daily practices that float through. It is happening as I write.

I find this quite relaxing. Rather inspirational...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A long sad procession...

The funeral procession for the Miller sisters -- Mary Liz, 8, and Lena, 7 -- makes its way through Georgetown, Lancaster County, before the girls' simple wooden coffins were lowered into the ground at a small Amish cemetery.

An Editorial.

Even if you prefer zippers and buttons on your clothes, the horse power of your vehicle to be under the hood and like to watch television, surf the internet and eat food 'nukked' in your microwave - you'd be hard pushed not to admire the Amish Community in Pennsylvania.

Having suffered the most horrendous of crimes to the tenderest of it's members this amazing community of believers has, with true grace and dignity, shown the world how to forgive.

At the behest of it the Local Amish Leaders some of the generous financial donations have been set aside in a fund to assist the young family of the perpetrator. Some 75 members of the community attended the funeral of the man took the lives of 5 of their daughters. Still others remain in hospital, their conditions not specifically known.

"Shoot me first" a young teenage girl asked the angst ridden man that broke into their school room with evil on his mind. "Shoot me second" her younger sister stepped forward, in an attempt to save the others. For all that the world may call this community backward, they have been most progressive in teaching their youngsters the real meaning of love, and of faith.

The bereft parents and community have drawn together and at the very moment when we might excuse a lashing out - in almost any form - they, like their girls in the school room who asked why are you doing this? - have reached forth hands of faith and forgiveness.

As a world in desperate need of this example, are we learning? Are we even watching? Or have we already flipped to another channel or risen to the ding of the microwave?

Upon reflection

Today was a better day then many I have had lately.

Whilst I didn't manage to do what I hoped and planned; I managed to do what I have almost given up hoping and ceased planning for; seems having moved the 'scheduled item' onto the unscheduled - hopefully serendipitous list worked.

I helped my distant mother pick up her messages; spoke to the original Grammie on the other side of the world (30 mins free on skype to skype)
the chowder maker out west has become the curtainmaker, and the housesitter is home and on wireless.
M took herself off for the day, returning mid afternoon with purchases (bought with out having to speak at all) and a sense of accomplishment. Wonderfully independent.

I have been asked to chart and grade predicted storms - so we can see if we can predict better then Bureau of meteorology. Level 4 restrictions loom!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

His mother and white rabbit's - my father and none.

My father used to spend time creatively tricking us into saying 'rabbit's' on the first day of the month...
I can only assume this was an Irish version of the the legend referred to in the NY Times....

Oh Dear, Too Late for the White rabbit's.

Transfer Day

one student (A) leaves today and the next one (M) arrives.

* * * * *

M has arrived, and is confident and cheerful. Suffering the normal level of nerves. She has good questions, and ability to ask them, so I think she will be fine.

Friday, October 06, 2006

October PIPE preview...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Day by Day

I can do 23 of these now....I don't need to strap my legs down.

I used to be able to do 70 per day...pre pneumonia...

My goal is to add 2 extra per day

A rose by any other name....

You can't eat this but isn't it beautiful?

Growing very well

mini Corn

mini Beetroot

rocket in the rear with assorted herbs


I love this scene

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy Birthday Miss 2!

I spoke to the birthday girl this morning.
She apparently talked longer then I listened. I thought we had finnished and hung up...she kept talking for another ten minutes, then, when I didnt respond took the phone to her daddy.

Now I know - I will hang in there longer to hear more exciting things.

And yes she did tell me she wants shoes.

coming soon...

more garden photographs....

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Upon Reflection...

I found contemplation of the events in Lancaster Penn. (see previous post) were pulling my mood down, and so I made the decision to push it away.

I did some creative pc work, and some reading (plodding through Voss but still loving it)
and ended the day by planting the last of the marigolds and petunias.

The silverbeet I put in last night has thrived in just 24 hours.
The Bok choy is doing well, I have never gown this plant before.
I figured out that the zucchini doesn't enjoy the hot midday sunshine...

We collected two plant stands I had found in a second had store - they were just right for two
trees we have...I have no idea what the trees are, maybe tomorrrow I will remember to look.

I hope I sleep tonight - last night was a long haul.

I have been (apparently) reliably informed that a certain I-Am-Going-To-Be-Two-Tomorrow young lady has requested shoes as a gift.

*Caught up with back-online mother; The Bride To Be, and Someone making Fish Chowder way out west. Also an Adventurous Reader who has planted some veggies.

And so to bed...perchance to dream...well just plain sleep will do.

Disbelief and Sorrow

News reports - during Monday USA time.... A man opened fire at an Amish school in rural Pennsylvania shooting and killing three girls and wounding seven others before killing himself.

I guess it's time to stop saying 'who would ever have thought....'

If children are not safe in a rural Amish schoolhouse then ...honestly I am sitting here shaking my head. Words fail me. Rare indeed I know.

Maybe I will add more later. Maybe.

4 minutes ago

...yes that was me in the garden planting more marigolds.

Monday, October 02, 2006

A reminder...

A Wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing to the vigilance of the shepherd and his dogs. But one day it found the skin of a sheep that had been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it on over its own pelt and strolled down among the sheep. The Lamb that belonged to the sheep, whose skin the Wolf was wearing, began to follow the Wolf in the Sheep's clothing; so, leading the Lamb a little apart, he soon made a meal off her, and for some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.

Appearances can be deceptive
the most important thing is to be able to recognise
what, or whom you are dealing with.