Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Upon Reflection...

I found contemplation of the events in Lancaster Penn. (see previous post) were pulling my mood down, and so I made the decision to push it away.

I did some creative pc work, and some reading (plodding through Voss but still loving it)
and ended the day by planting the last of the marigolds and petunias.

The silverbeet I put in last night has thrived in just 24 hours.
The Bok choy is doing well, I have never gown this plant before.
I figured out that the zucchini doesn't enjoy the hot midday sunshine...

We collected two plant stands I had found in a second had store - they were just right for two
trees we have...I have no idea what the trees are, maybe tomorrrow I will remember to look.

I hope I sleep tonight - last night was a long haul.

I have been (apparently) reliably informed that a certain I-Am-Going-To-Be-Two-Tomorrow young lady has requested shoes as a gift.

*Caught up with back-online mother; The Bride To Be, and Someone making Fish Chowder way out west. Also an Adventurous Reader who has planted some veggies.

And so to bed...perchance to dream...well just plain sleep will do.


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