Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I visited my mother in the hospital again today and she is making remarkable progress. (it must be the prawns from Sunday's lunch)
If all continues well then she will return home at the end of the week or the start of the next.
It all depends on her remaining stable.

As ever the staff have been wonderful and dedicated.
I am not sure how we thank them.

Mother's Day 2007

I bravely bought 4 prawns and 4 olives and made a healthy delicious salad
- which included grapes,
kiwi & nuts etc -
for my mother who is still in the hospital.
She peeled the prawns
(there is no way could have done that - buying them was enough)
as I got out the china plates, good cutlery and beautiful glassware.
I wanted it to be a treat for her for mother's day.
She ate it all and then I helped her to bed where she slept away the afternoon.
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I received a letter with a handwritten address today.
I was puzzled who it could be from...
in side was a ticket for 2 ..
I had won again but I didn't even recall entering this...
the Yoga teacher and I are off to this spy thriller!
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Mother...

continues to be a patient in a serious but stable condition.

Tomorrow for mother's day I will be taking her a special lunch of fresh prawns..she will have to peel them, I so cannot do that! and salad with olives nuts and mushrooms.
A sweet treat for after.
I am taking a table cloth and fine china and cutlery so that she may really enjoy the meal.

I plan to pick up some flowers on the way.
I have been asked how I win all the tickets to films,concerts and theater productions that I share on here.

All I can say is it is a by-product of night owl with broadband; plus a PC that is always on....

when the newsletters (that I have subscribed to) come in - and given that all such mail comes to my 'public' hotmail address I can see on the screen what is arriving...I rush on over read quickly, and enter.

I guess being up in the wee small hours of the morning when so many of these newsletters are prescheduled to be sent makes a difference.

I am not given to winning stuff...if you look across my life as a whole so I really I can only pout it down tot he above combination.


some great news


I came across a reference to this is a posting on yahoo group I am - which indicated the article was on a blog...I tracked back through a very interesting blog to the original source and here is the link.

This was a fantastic magazine!!

I read and lend special friends editions from the vast stack I have...bought new and from eBay.

Nice to have some good news.
