Thursday, November 30, 2006

Time flies when you are having fun...

and even when you are not.

Where have the days gone.

Some family members have relocated.
We are in 'holiday mode': a mental state.

#3 TNG was not impressed when the gate was locked. No more jaunting down the Terrace.

We had a mini heat wave.

A tooth was broken and a 1st encounter witht the dental hopsital occurred.

The extraction is Monday.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Brief Moment in Time

severe mould apparently causes severe asthma;
thus The Observer is away from home;
helping family members relocate.

Will be back in a few days...

are you ready for Thanksgiving and or Christmas?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I have been asked

"what do you do with your time"?

Please visit my BookWritingBlog (listed in the index to the right) to see the answers...

I feel exhausted reading it. Sometimes I feel exhausted doing it.

Be that as it may - this is my life.
I enjoy every day and find a lot to laugh about.

Humour IS great medicine.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wild Weird Weather

This is the gold minning town on Henty in Western Tasmania this morning.
It's been a day of wild weather across eastern Australia today with reports of snow in Tasmania and the outskirts of Melbourne, hail while thunderstorms and hail caused havoc in Queensland and bushfires fanned by dry windy conditions in New South Wales.
Children in Tasmania's Great Lake region were delighted with a dump of 20cm of snow at Miena this morning but in Queensland, residents were reporting hailstones as large as golf balls and firefighters in New South Wales are fighting two fires in the Blue Moutains in dry and windy conditions.

Hail early afternoon.


The very Latest in Portable Rain Shelter.

worn during mad dashes downstairs to unclog stormwater drains.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Favourite word

Another Blogger and I were discussing out favourite words...

just wondering what everyone else's might be.

Mine is Serendipity.

Winning Italian Film Festival 2006 tickets

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A Supermarket Docket November 2006

 Posted by Picasa

This came in the Mail.

Two free movie tickets for The Observer's Brithday! Taking The Chef to this one.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A teenager is sent to the rescue...

even the weeds!

Everything is Growing well...

Strawberries In November - fat and sweet.

countng down

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Rain:This is the Statewide Week of Prayer

TheRadar at 2:40pm today

as the rain falls...

all the buckets (out across the lawn) became full, and all the drums under the downpipes... so they were exchanged for empty ones.

water water everywhere and saving EVERY drop...


Link to these images in is the Index. Thanks to the BOM for allowing us all to see...

Friday, November 03, 2006

The Andrew Denton Doco

Went along to see this Australian made doco.

Glad I had scanned the ticket as they took it from me...
Portside is new shopping area with cinema...all very nice and modern/chic.

There is a viewing deck for when Cruise LInners came in.
I said to Thor's Mistress 'BYO streamers no doubt'.

Interesting film, interesting audeience responses.
More later I am exhausted.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

North Wind Headaches

I have a migrainy headache
the information below
helps explain why.

Brisbane Ap, 14:19 EST

Heat Index/Wind Chill:
NNE 35 km/h
44 km/h
1014.5 hPa
Rainfall since 9am:
0.0 mm

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Does 3 make a crop?

Welcome to Level 4!

Level 4 water restrictions

South East Queensland is experiencing the worst drought on record and our dams levels are at historic lows. Everyone has achieved significant water savings - thankyou. Unfortunately, the drought has not broken.
Level 4 water restrictions apply in South East Queensland from 1 November 2006.
We're asking everyone to continue to play their part, including residents, business, industry and government agencies. The savings we make today will secure our region's future water supplies.